John Lasonio
Visit WebsiteFrom breathtaking sunsets to awe-inspiring waves, and beautiful sea creatures, visual artist John Lasonio has been immortalizing these beautiful scenes and subjects through his artwork for most of his life. His artwork has been a source of inspiration and environmental awareness for so many art enthusiasts across the country. He is also passionate about promoting the lifestyle of surfing and coastal culture, one that is laidback, calm, and filled with sunny dispositions and a lot of cold drinks.
John Lasonio first fell in love with art when he was just a mere five-year-old after his mother got him a How to Draw Disney Characters book. He spent countless hours practicing and making drawings for several days, and he has not stopped creating something beautiful since then.
Growing up a mile from the beach in Southern California, he latched on to the 'Surf Art" style he has come to develope over the years, as he started drawing waves and beach scenes on his notebooks in school. He created his first portrait when he was 12 years old, drawing the boy from the U2 inner sleeve from the band’s album Boy. He discovered that he was pretty good at it and immediately tried his luck with Sting from the Synchronicity album.
Becoming more confident of his innate skills, John Lasonio started joining art contests. Sometimes he would win. Sometimes he would lose. But he never got discouraged, nor did he think of ever stopping from doing the one thing he was clearly very good at. When he was in high school, his art teacher entered him into a drug-free poster-making contest in the district, where he bested 755 other entries and took home a prize. That poster was used throughout the district, and he was even interviewed by the mayor, who was amazed at his unique skills.
Over the years, John Lasonio found his preferred style using acrylic art markers. As time went by, he kept on creating more and more artwork that set him apart from other contemporary artists in the country. Now residing in PA, John has established a website, which gave him a platform to share his creations with the surf culture all over the world.
-NY Weekly Article 11/17/2021