December 1st is coming!  Check out this year's artists. 

Melanie Whitaker

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I am a recovering people pleaser, so I understand exactly how it feels to live a life shaped to serve eveyone else's hopes and dreams while neglecting my own.  As an artist, my goal is to empower myself and others to lovingly embrace all emotions and to construct lives in accordance to our own unique vibration.  It's time to claim your space, my love!

Because life is full of joy as well as sadness, my work constanly moves back and forth between the two, either in separate pieces or all in one.  That vacilation, to me, is like breathing.  It is necessary to express the opposition, for one cannot exist without the other.  

I am primarily a mixed media artist.  I love the chaos that ripping-up paper and slapping it onto the bare canvas brings to the table.  Creating a little messiness takes a lot of control out of my hands, which I greatly apreciate, thank you very much!  From there, I add layers of ink, colored pencil, acrylic paint, or whatever else tickles my fancy.  When I decide it's finished, it gets signed and sealed!

If you're interested in seeing my other work, check out my website! (link above)

Thank you for visiting!!!

Artist's Complete Works:
Visit us on December 1st to browse the new collection of Minis.






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25 Days of Minis